Gowan's was named among the best packaging designs in the industry at the largest wine competition on the continent
Sixty-five expert judges evaluated nearly 6,700 of the best wines produced in North America at the 2020 San Francisco Chronicle Wine Competition. Only five entrants achieved the highest award, Best-of-Class in the Package division. Gowan's was the only cider winning Best-of-Class in the Classic-Ornate designs.
"The clear bottles filled with golden cider glow in the lights. Some have said it looks like sunshine in a bottle," says Gowan. "That makes sense to us, since the trees are essentially capturing sunshine to grow the apples!"
The label features bespoke illustrations of the historic family orchards, classic gold foil touches, and a harvest tag showing dates of harvest and varietals used . The new back label contains tasting and pairing notes, as well as additional information in logo bar.
The elegant custom clear glass bottle stands tall with a subtle taper, eye-catching belgian neck, and stable heel. The cartuche, raised lettering, shows the Gowan name on the substantial shoulder, and Heirloom Cider on the heel..
“With every bottle we hope to bring people to this special place—with the purest flavors from heirloom trees, the magic of heritage orchards, and a family’s 144 year love affair with this land,” explains Sharon Gowan.
“We choose to bottle our ciders right at the orchard where the apples are grown,” explains Don Gowan, owner/cidermaker, “so our customers experience the purest blossom-to-bottle flavor. Our family has been growing may of these heirlooms since 1876 on this land. We simiply wanted to share this place. It’s great to see this appreciated at such a prestigious competition.”
